Volunteer Opportunities

Enter your 2023 volunteer hours here. No log-in required.

Harvest Farm, photo by Natasha Fullard

Harvest Farm seeks to foster volunteerism among our members, by serving in the garden and in our community.  Our garden is maintained by volunteers, which  helps to keep our operating costs down and to further engage our gardeners.  We serve our surrounding community by donating produce from the garden and non-perishable items to food banks, as well as collecting toiletries, coats and blankets in winter, and other needed supplies.  Each gardener must complete 12 hours of annual service to the garden.  There are multiple opportunities you can take advantage of to fulfill these hours.  Some current opportunities include:

• We have regular Saturday garden work days during the growing season. They begin at 8:00 am and typically conclude around 10:00. The work varies depending on current needs of the garden, but typically includes routine maintenance projects.  For future dates, please check the events calendar.

  • If you’re not able to attend a garden work day, you may perform any of the following maintenance items on your own time:

Composter:  cut up anything longer than 3″; throw away any non-composting items

Tool Closet:  organize tool closet, making sure all tools are properly stored; clean any dirty tools

Chalk/Cork Walls:  clean chalk board walls; remove any outdated notices from the corkboards

Ant Control:  kill ants in the common areas (not plots), using DE from the tool closet

Weed:  hand pull weeds from any of the common areas